The Rev. Aaron L. Parker, Ph.D., revered academician, theologian, preacher and pastor, has built his life's work in the academy and the Church on a mandate that promotes a climate of love and service to the local community and extends to become a global witness for Christian faith. As Pastor of Zion Hill Baptist Church (ZHBC) in Atlanta, GA, Dr. Parker has spent the last 30 years dedicating his life to sharpening the spiritual aptitude and expanding the theological proclivity of some of the nation’s most accomplished pastors, preachers, teachers and the growing body of believers of his beloved pastoral charge. Dr. Parker is most appropriately described not as a preacher, but as “an educator who answered the divine call to preach“.
A son of the church, being the seventh child born to the late Reverend P. F. Parker and the late Mrs. Amy C. Parker of Canton, Mississippi; Dr. Parker is a 1975 Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Morehouse College and earned a Master of Arts in Religion and the Doctor of Philosophy in Systematic Theology from Emory University's Candler School of Theology.
Dr. Parker accepted the call to pastor the historic Zion Hill Baptist Church in 1994. Now in his 30th year as Pastor of Zion Hill, Dr. Parker also continues to mold and shape male youth into Morehouse Men as an Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Morehouse College, where he has taught and mentored for nearly 45 years. Many of his students have become nationally renowned preachers and pastors as well. His first action as Pastor was to present and coin the church's new declarative creed, “Living to Love and Loving to Serve“. During his 30 years of leadership, membership has grown to nearly 4,800, with robust programs established to enrich the worship and church life of Zion Hill members and extend strategic service efforts to improve communities, locally, nationally, and throughout the world.
As the visionary shepherd of what was coined as The Zion Hill “Rock Project“, Pastor Parker spearheaded a $31 million building initiative, to accommodate the Church's growing membership and expansion of ministries to continue changing lives and serving with love.
Foremost, Dr. Parker is leading the vibrant congregation to deepen its focus on service to the community through the church's expansive Care to Love Outreach Ministry that has resulted in the formation of more than 50 ministries during his pastoral tenure, designed to impact the region and the world. Notable among them are the nationally recognized Rites of Passage Program for youth ages 13-18, with more than 1000 alumni, and the church's founding and support of the Zion Hill Community Development Corporation (ZHCDC) in 2002, a non-profit organization devoted to spiritual, economic, and educational enhancement.
Dr. Parker has inspired and led the Zion Hill congregation through the implementation of innovative spiritual and educational programs and community outreach ministries, which are supported by tithes and offerings and an Outreach Endowment Fund, which began with pre-existing funds in the amount of over $300,000 and now stands at approximately $2.5 million. Since 1994, through Dr. Parker's leadership, Zion Hill has contributed more than $4.5 million for outreach and disaster relief and over $1.5 million in scholarships. The outreach programs, include annual donations to Morehouse College and all the Atlanta University Center Schools; African Initiative Ministry Program, called the Mission of Hope Meal Program; and provisions of disaster relief following hurricanes and tornadoes.
The Reverend Dr. Parker is an ordained minister, a member of the Concerned Black Clergy of Atlanta, the Society for the Study of Black Religion, the American Academy of Religion, among other leadership positions. Dr. Parker is married to Shelia Smith Parker, his high school sweetheart, and they are the parents of two children, Aaron Larry Parker, Jr., Asha Liana Parker, and proud and adoring grandparents of Laila Marie Parker Booth.